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Treatments Vein Center uses the state of the art radio frequency ablation to treat varicose veins. This video produced by Covidien describes the procedure of radiofrequency ablation of the superficial vein of the leg. By closing these veins the venous pressure in the leg should be reduced. This may produce major improvement in the varicose veins and their symptoms.

Other Vein Treatments

Sclerotherapy: This is a common method of treating varicose veins where the physician injects a chemical into the vein in order to prevent it from filling with blood. This significantly improves the cosmetic appearance of your leg by eliminating the look of unsightly varicose veins. This is a minimally invasive procedure performed in-office with little to no down time.

Venous Ablation: This minimally invasive treatment involves the use of heat to destroy the walls of the vein and ultimately the source for the varicose vein development. It is performed in-office under local anesthesia and patients can return to normal activities within 1-2 days.

Phlebectomy: A procedure to remove individual clusters of varicose veins from the leg. A micro-incision (less than one tenth of an inch) only requires local anesthesia for most, and patients can normally resume daily activities in 1-2 days.

Compression Stockings: For more severe varicose veins, you may be prescribed compression stockings. These are elastic stocking that squeeze your veins and stop excess blood from flowing backward. In this way, compression stockings also can help heal skin sores and prevent them from returning.

For more extreme venous conditions, your physician may recommend treatments such as angioplasty or stenting, valve repair or bypass. Fewer than 10% of patients with CVI require surgery.

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