Venous insufficiency, also known as chronic venous insufficiency, can cause intense itching in the legs.

This condition occurs when weakened or damaged valves in the leg veins allow blood to flow backward, down the leg rather than up toward the heart.

When blood refluxes in the vein, it eventually encounters a healthy, functioning valve. As a result, blood begins to pool in the vein, stretching the vein wall and causing the formation of enlarged, bulging veins, commonly known as varicose veins.

How does venous insufficiency cause itchy legs?
As venous insufficiency forces blood to pool in the lower leg veins, the increased pressure pushes fluids out of the vein and into the surrounding skin.

This fluid buildup triggers a skin condition called venous stasis dermatitis, or venous eczema.

Symptoms of this condition may include:

  • Intense leg itching

  • Skin discoloration (red or purple areas)

  • Inflamed, scaly, or dry skin

  • Leg swelling

  • Rash with small bumps

Over time, the skin may thicken and become leathery, indicating advanced venous disease, which can lead to open sores (ulcers) around the ankles or lower legs. While you should seek care for itchy legs, it’s essential to see the team at Commonwealth Vein Center right away if you notice an ulcer, as venous ulcers can expand and will not heal without specialized wound care.

How is itchy leg skin treated?
During your consultation, your provider will examine your legs and often perform a vascular ultrasound. This imaging provides detailed information on the structure of your blood vessels and blood flow, enabling an accurate diagnosis of venous insufficiency.

Once venous insufficiency is identified as the cause of itchy legs, your provider will develop a personalized treatment plan to relieve symptoms and address the underlying venous condition.

Treatment options may include:

  • Compression stockings

  • Elevating your legs above your heart

  • Topical corticosteroids

  • Topical or oral antibiotics (for infection)

  • Radiofrequency venous ablation

  • Sclerotherapy (Varithena®)

  • ClariVein®

  • VenaSeal™

  • Phlebectomy

The last five treatments on this list help to eliminate venous insufficiency and varicose veins, restoring healthy circulation in the legs.

For relief from itchy legs, contact Commonwealth Vein Center or schedule an appointment online today.

Itching Legs FAQ’s

Itchy skin, whether on your legs or other areas of your body, is often linked to issues like dry skin. However, it can also be a warning sign of a vascular condition. The vascular specialists at Commonwealth Vein Center have the expertise to determine when leg itching may be due to a venous issue. They then develop a personalized treatment plan to address the underlying cause and relieve the itching. To schedule an appointment, call one of our offices in Colonial Heights, Richmond, or McLean, Virginia, or use our online booking feature today.